

Deadlifts aren’t just for the powerlifters anymore. This exercise has been a staple for anyone who has ever stepped in a weight room with the goal of becoming their strongest selves, but with the growing demographic of people working out, the deadlift has adapted, and I don’t just mean in variation, but in volume of usage. So, who can benefit from the deadlift and why? The Strongman We will start with the most obvious of the first of our four deadlifters. This person comes in and knows exactly how this whole workout is going to go. This person is a veteran of the weight room, can do it all. Squat, bench press, rows, this person is well built and can move a ton of weight, so why does the strongman need to do deadlifts? Deadlifting does a great job of activating both upper and lower body muscles, more so than any other major compound lift that is typically performed on a given day. Deadlifts are the BEST way of creating full body tension, as this lift is normally performed at a

Keeping Long-Term Clients Engaged After All This Time.

If you’ve been training long enough, you have the clients who’ve got it figured out. They’ve gotten as strong as they’d like and have completed every workout you’ve thrown at them with perfect technique and optimal pace. They’ve gotten to the point where they can duplicate what you do during sessions on their off days when they hit the gym solo. Now, all this is great, but now the trainer is faced with a question that doesn’t have as quite an obvious solution as you may think. How do we adjust sessions so that our now fully capable client doesn’t just become bored with the routines? We all love to have clients that do everything right and can almost read our mind when it comes to weight, reps, and pairing exercises that may follow because, let’s be honest, it makes our job easier. It allows us to focus on other clients that are working out at the same time who may need the help with their lifts, and it gives us peace of mind that our student-to-master client won’t injure th


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